
Life update

Haven't posted in a bit, thought I'd tell everyone that I'm still alive. Schools started again, so that'll take some time away from coding. New motherboard has been running superbly. One of my other computers with an Asus P4PE board has a voice over when it's booting. So the other day, it's booting up and I hear voices coming from the headset. Finally figure out it's the BIOS that's speaking to me. I will say that I do admire my Solaris server. It's quite rock-solid (well, other than the random reboots when untar'ing something large) and everything feels like it's complete.

Other than that, life's been the same. My breadboard came in a little while ago so I've been experimenting with IC's and such. 

Well, back to doing nothing.

Ma benz

Downloaded some more music (close to 20K now), more French rap. Some if it's alright, I especially like  Suprême NTM. The other stuff, it just doesn't seem to 'flow' to me. Someone like Edo Maajka really flows well, but a song by, say, Rohff, just doesn't do it for me. I like Asa too :)


Anyway, pointless post; haven't posted in a while. Torrentino has taken up most of me time.

Comments are appreciated ;)

Ticketto - semi finished

I coded Ticketto in around 5 hours. You can check it out here: http://jroppie.co.cc:45/ticketto/ and try logging in with 'test' and 'test' respectivly. Also, check out the admin panel: http://jroppie.co.cc:45/ticketto/adminby using 'admin' and 'admin' for the username/password.


For those that don't want to check it out, Ticketto is a simple support ticket system. Users/client signs up, picks department and creates a ticket. Admin signs in, answers ticket and set status of ticket to closed, answered, etc. More features are planned ;)

Anyway, if anyone wants the source, just leave a comment.

Same shit, different day

I've been looking for a reliable 'offshore' [web] hoster to host Torrentino. If you have any offers, I'd be pleased to hear 'em.

Work has come to a halt, I guess I've just been tired. Ticketto is still..very beta. Maybe I'll FTP a working version somewhere a bit later. WorkSimple 1.3.0 hasn't been completed. Or maybe it as...I can't remember.

Satelite has been out for a bit, too lazy to fix it so I've just been watching House (the show, not the noun...or whatever). 


Considering there has been little to none for comments, I guess there will be no free domain contest.

Anyway, as usual comments are appreciated (I don't get enough!)

Digg buttons

I added a Digg button module to the site, so incase you find something interesting you can Digg it! I'll also remove the Donate button from the site, makes me look desperate. I'll have to renew this domain or else it expires in 43 days.

I was sorta (meaning, not commited) to working on WorkSimple. Version 1.2.3 should be released soon, a minor release.


Yargh, me be loving me jailbroken iPod Touch! The Cydia store is pretty cool, it's going to be PayPal supported (or so I read) soon.

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Web, log and mail server.

Thought I'd take it upon myself to create a mail server on 'roppie' (me server). It's now a log server also, I even got my router to send logs to it too. Interesting it is though, I have 'jlap' sending all its logs to roppie too. 'roppie' also runs a minimal web server (lighttpd + mysql, same as jlap) but also serves the logs out on HTTP so I can view them anywhere.

  I've been using SFTP on roppie since FTP didn't work for a loooong time. I tried to FTP to it today...and well....proftpd wasn't installed in the first place. So now I have that up and running so its all good.

Server Stat

There's an app in the AppStore called Server Database. A pretty simple app, made to manager servers and such. Enter the name, address, function for the server and you're good to go. Well, I decided to make my own version of it using iWebKit. You can check it out here. Its pretty simple, it's read only for now. I'll wrap it up in a tarball and put it on the 'Free PHP Scripts' page.  Anyway, just though I'd share that.

I haven't been up to much, other than creating useless PHP scripts. Just been browsing the LovingTech forums.... Well, I'll get to coding and such....


Nothing exciting has been happening lately. I've had school last week (and this week, of course), so I've been sorta occupied.
Monday I ordered a 'USB Memory Watch 4GB' from ThinkGeek.com, so it should be in today, hopefully.
Anyway, since there is nothing else to post about errr I'mma going to go play Fallout 3......

3 More Days

I spent last night (wait, I mean this morning) working on a wiki/GTD/project manager/whatever in PHP (of course, whatelse?). So far, users (uhh me?) can delete, edit and add pages/articles. Anyway, you can check it out here: http://flippy01.co.cc/wiki/
There's still lots to do, and I still need to name the script. If you have any ideas, suggestions, whatever post a comment.

Hmm....seems like not very many people are reading my posts anymore....I feel so lonely....oh this whole paragraph about being lonely is making me seem lonely....

Debian on my Eee

I installed Debian on my 701 4GB Eee the other day. Runs perfectly, I couldn't ask for more. The only thing I need to fix is wifi. I either use the MadWifi or the Atheros drivers. Doesn't sounds too hard, I had it working before...apparently. Not sure if sound works or not, I don't use it that much so I disabled it in the BIOS to save power.

Something is wrong with my server.... I tried to access it via SSH & HTTP and nothing. Turn on the monitor; kernel panic. Whatever, I rebooted. CRC error. Rebooted; works fine but Apache doesn't start.