
Server Stat

There's an app in the AppStore called Server Database. A pretty simple app, made to manager servers and such. Enter the name, address, function for the server and you're good to go. Well, I decided to make my own version of it using iWebKit. You can check it out here. Its pretty simple, it's read only for now. I'll wrap it up in a tarball and put it on the 'Free PHP Scripts' page.  Anyway, just though I'd share that.

I haven't been up to much, other than creating useless PHP scripts. Just been browsing the LovingTech forums.... Well, I'll get to coding and such....

iPod Touch 2G

So, I received a Fuji S1000fd (with a 8GB SD card) and also a iPod Touch 2nd generation 8GB for Ymas. I got SSH and some wifi finder apps on my iPod, too bad it wasn't the 1st generation so I could jailbreak it. Oh well, its pretty cool already.
I never had an iTunes account, so I had to sign up for one because download/installing apps required one. So I go to sign up and I need enter a credit card number. Outraged, I Googled my problem. I came to a video on Youtube on how to register without a card. Worked flawlessly and I can download/install apps now!