
My Jailbroken iPod Touch 2G!

Sitting on the couch, I came across a Lifehacker article about the 2G being jailbroken. I almost shit my pants, I got up off the couch and did some serious Googling. An hour later, I had mine jailbroken too. Anyways, I'd like to share some links with you guys (who ever is reading this) for those who have a 2G and know nothing about jailbreaking their iPod.

Heres the tool that I used: QuickFreedom

Follow the onscreen instuctions (which are easy as hell) and you're good to go. It should take just under an hour. Where you create your custom firmware, you can choose your own boot image (I tried a custom one, but it wouldn't build the firmware).

Once that is finished, where do you go now? Update Installer and some of the repos.

What about installing 'cracked apps' (which in most cases is illegal) ? Check this link out:

In a nutshell, you update your "MobileInstallation" file, download & install any app from the AppStore and install any app of your choice via iTunes (by supplying the .ipa)

Here are some pics of my homescreen and various other screens:

Red Fire

Just got home a little while ago, from a basketball tournament. So far, we're 3-1.

I got some energy drinks, so I sort of planning on coding. Perhaps working on Torrentino, or something of the sort. Theres LOTS to do with WorkSimple, I mean LOTS. I have to recode EVERYTHING. Rather not right now, Torrentino seems easier to work on. I still need to get the browse part working properly.
I'm off to go do something, I'll post back Sunday or Monday.


Haven't done much lately, was supposed to install Mythbuntu on a spare computer; that never happened. Discovered a bug in TT, havent fixed it yet.
Got a basketball tourny next Friday and Saturday. Sounds fun. We don't have any plays yet, wonderful. Anyways, I'm off to get something to chew on or something of the sort.....oh well....

(What bland posts I have, I need to have a motivation to blog....)

Being Sick... I've been sick the last 2 days and even right now I feel under the weather. I've been missing quite a bit of school work and I'm not exactly looking forward to that. Although, I might go to school later in the day....

Anyways, nothing else interesting has been happening so nothing new to write about......hmm....well then.......


For once, I have nothing to post about. I haven't gotten anywhere in coding (atleast, not yet).
Work still sucks, I got my paid today, althought it's not in my bank account 'till tomorrow.

I was [quite] bored and found this quote (it seems to describe every Friday and Saturday night for me):
"Programmers are tools for converting caffeine into code."

I'll come back and post either tomorrow or Friday, or sometime when I have inspiration.....