After bricking the last wifi repeater in my last post, I was determined not do that again. At least not intentionally.
This time around, I purchased the same model as before (U13) as well as three more units of a different model, for $10 and $7 CAD respectively. The goal here is to get root access via SSH/telnet and use these devices as general purpose Linux single board computers. With an ethernet port, built in power supply and wifi, these boards are great for single-purpose servers.
New hardware
These models kept popping up in recommended items in the Aliexpress app, so I thought I would check it out. Just like the previous model, there's no technical information about these devices or who makes them. All we know is that there's an ethernet port, it has 2.4Ghz wifi...and that there's a WPS button. Some listings display the brand as iMice but nothing turns up on Google.
Searching around YouTube, I was able to find branded devices using the same hardware:
- MECO WIFI Wireless Signal Amplifier
- Accmor 300Mbps 802.11 n Wireless WiFi Repeater
- AMAKE Wifi Repeater 300M Range Extender
- NoyoKere Wifi Repeater 300Mbps Range Expander
- Seaidea 300Mbps Wireless-N Mini Wifi Repeater
- iMeshbean® Wifi Repeater 300M Range Extender
- NINISEI Wifi Router/Repeater
- F&M Wireless-N 300Mbps 2.4G Wifi Repeater
- PIX-LINK WR03 Wireless WiFi Repeater
- Wi-Fi Repeater XY-300MZJ1

One funny misspelling is the username "admim" on the sticker:
The 4 LED model seems to differ from the 7 LED model, and on the latter model listing the seller displays the chipset as RTL8196E with 16MB flash and 128MB RAM.
Plugging the device into the wall, and going to the printed address ( we get a very familiar web admin UI. This time, the manufacturer decided to use orange instead of blue.