
Same shit, different day

I've been looking for a reliable 'offshore' [web] hoster to host Torrentino. If you have any offers, I'd be pleased to hear 'em.

Work has come to a halt, I guess I've just been tired. Ticketto is still..very beta. Maybe I'll FTP a working version somewhere a bit later. WorkSimple 1.3.0 hasn't been completed. Or maybe it as...I can't remember.

Satelite has been out for a bit, too lazy to fix it so I've just been watching House (the show, not the noun...or whatever). 


Considering there has been little to none for comments, I guess there will be no free domain contest.

Anyway, as usual comments are appreciated (I don't get enough!)


This past week has been a blur. It's like this week never happened. I've done nothing really, other than promoting ShareItUp, try to get stuff done with WorkSimple and mess around with my servers. I still need to get $7 from somewhere to renew this domain (2500mhz.info).


Seems like one of my NIC's on roppie (yes, horrible name) is only getting 10mbit/s which...sucks. So maybe I'll do something about that. I was thinking of setting up NIC teaming on jlap (another horrible name) for better bandwidth redundancy.


Anyway, I think I'm off to bed soon considering I havn't slept in 24 hours or so.

FB App

Been trying to get the PHP Facebook (FB) library working on my local server. Got it working to some extent but I get:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method FacebookRestClient::users_isAppAdded() in /var/www/fb/memo/appinclude.php on line 14
which is just wonderful.
I have all of the LOTR eBooks so I'm off to go read them on my Eee (which is now running Lenny!)


Whoa. I haven't posted here in a wee bit. And, its almost Friday!
Nothing really new has been happening. Eat, sleep, go to school, repeat.
I took apart my [701] Eee the other day and actually put it back together correctly and...it works! So, I figured out I need to find/buy a U.FL to RP-SMA connector as I plan to put an external on it somewhere, preferably the shiny metal looking thinks on the left/right side. I currently have the stock antennas unhooked from the WiFi card, which sucks since I don't get as good as signal (duh!) but I use my other USB WiFi connector.