Building your own handheld GPS with an ESP32
With the inexpensive cost of electronic components online, I am amassing quite a library of modules and parts to build whatever little contraption my silly little brain dreams up. Lately I've been working on a portable GPS unit using an ESP32, with an off the shelf GPS module and 1" OLED screen.
Quite often I'm in the woods and I know where I am, but I don't know where I want to go. Thus, navigating back home safely is important if I feel like simply walking into the forest alone. I wanted a simple GPS unit where I could calculate distances and display a map of my location, with beacons displaying waypoints and markers.
Over the last month or so, I have a fully-featured unit that can display the current longitude, latitude and latitude, calculate distances between two points, displays a vector map, and a settings menu allowing the user to enter low power mode and change display settings.