"I hear ya', but can ya' C?"

I figured I should go all out, so I bought another GB of RAM, the Razer Diamondback mouse (http://www.razerzone.com/p-62-razer-diamondback-3g-gaming-mouse.aspx) and a headset (http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/webcam_communications/internet_headse…) and with the G15 (http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/keyboards/keyboard/devices/3498&cl=us…) this is becoming quite the awesome setup. All I need now is a kickass computer. With all this gaming gear, I feel like the geeky coding side of me has left me. Its quite sad.


EDIT: Read bottom
Back home now, loving the G15. For once, I think I'm actually going to work on something, but lately I felt like making either, a)CMS/social networking/forum or b)a theme for Drupal. In the end, I'll probably end up making a CMS and a theme for Drupal in GIMP.

On that note about the CMS; I already have a login/register forum, I also have JAB (blogging script, which I am in the process of re-writing) and numerous other scripts I could add to make one flexible, simple, easy CMS.

Comments are appreciated.

Flying Monkeys!

Went down to Futureshop today and bought the Logitech G15 2nd Ed keyboard. I'm using my Asus EEE so I can't exactly use the software. Other than that, I love it.

I haven't been able to work on anything at all, since I'm not at home right now, and I just don't feel up to it.

Once I get home Saturday night I'll be back to my geek lair, coding away on my G15

Back to hell...

I guess my arm is getting better so that means I'll be heading to work tomorrow. Ah, I love work, waking up at 7 am, biking in the crisp of the morning. Not! Overmorrow is payday, I'm just that much more closer to the Logitech G15 2nd Edition keyboard, the mother of all keyboards. Mostly made for gamers, this beauty will allow me to type in the dark (which I already can do) with backlight keys and it has a wee LCD screen too!

I haven't gotten anything done, although I worked on Web Host a little more, and added some new graphics.


Well, this is my 4th time moving, it's quite frustrating. Anyways, other than that, nothing else is new, I plan to work on my web hosting script sometime and upload all my PHP projects soon....