
Klam fyr

Life has been comme ci, comme ça lately. Lately, I just don't care about anything. School especially. I really just don't care about anything. It sort of gave me more freedom though. I do whatever I want to and I don't give a shit. I get ASC which fucks me up even more. Maybe it's the energy level, I don't know. That's it, I just don't know.

I feel like I'm being pulled down all the time, having a weight on my back. Guilty conscious? If only I had feelings; then I'd be normal or at least sub-par. 

I rarely talk about myself in my blog and it's about time I do. Depression has really messed up my concentration level. I haven't done any real coding in a long time. I can't bring myself to it. It's difficult.

As with most of my newer blog posts, they contain a picture that [sometimes] symbolizes my post. This one sums it up.


Qui est l'exemple

School's started, which is just great. I won't go into great detail, as it'll bore the shit out of my readers (that is, if I have any).

I'm in an 'IT' course, if you can call it that. So far, it's ridiculously easy.

"Ooh, get it to boot from CD/DVD, start up Norton Ghost, and install XP using the image provided".

Yes, and people needed help doing that. People who were already in the same class last year, needed help.

What made me LOL, is when the teacher asked how many computers [and what they run] everyone had. Course, he didn't get to me. Anyway, seems like everyone uses Vista (kewl dewd) or some 1337 h4xx0r use Windows 7!