
Syslog server on Lenny

So, I installed VMWare Server on my Windows Server 2003 box the other day. Downloaded a Debian Lenny image and got it running. Never dealt with VMWare Server so it's pretty neat to configure virtual machines from a convenient web interface. The web interface was having issues at first, of which I tracked down to IIS. The web UI runs on port 8333 and IIS runs on port 80 of course. Disabled IIS and the web UI was up and running.


After that it was all down hill. Set the network adapter on the VM to bridged. Got the virtual machine running and started installing packages and such. At first, it couldn't resolve names so I had to correct /etc/resolv.conf and point it to my DNS servers. 


Photo by vfowler

I've come to realize that no one reads a blog where people (such as me) babbles on about their life. Know why? No one cares. People dig tutorials on the internet, if they wanted to read stories they'd pick up a book.


I'm in the process of upgrading my Hackintosh from 10.5.2 to 10.6. Shouldn't be too much of a pain in the ass, but oh well.


I've gotten a serial terminal working on my Thinkpad. I can know get a [virtual] terminal, via serial to one of my servers which is great. I could SSH into them, but plugging shit in is much more fun. I'd suggest those who want a quick terminal to check this out.


Klam fyr

Life has been comme ci, comme ça lately. Lately, I just don't care about anything. School especially. I really just don't care about anything. It sort of gave me more freedom though. I do whatever I want to and I don't give a shit. I get ASC which fucks me up even more. Maybe it's the energy level, I don't know. That's it, I just don't know.

I feel like I'm being pulled down all the time, having a weight on my back. Guilty conscious? If only I had feelings; then I'd be normal or at least sub-par. 

I rarely talk about myself in my blog and it's about time I do. Depression has really messed up my concentration level. I haven't done any real coding in a long time. I can't bring myself to it. It's difficult.

As with most of my newer blog posts, they contain a picture that [sometimes] symbolizes my post. This one sums it up.