
Linux 4.15.2 on SnackLinux

Quick update to SnackLinux, rolled out Linux 4.15.2 with Busybox 1.28.0. Also switched over to x86_64 only (for now at least) since it simplifies a lot of things. I removed the need to staticly link everything and get rid of that niche, since a few other smaller distros cover that (Alpine Linux for example). Again, this simplifies building packages and running into less issues. Check it out on Github for build instructions, or the getting started page on getting SnackLinux running.

Debian Web Server

Well, I turned one of my [8] computers into a file/web/FTP/SSH/etc.. server. I got a free DNS so far, and its working great. And of course, its running Debian, the greatest distro of all time. Instead of wasting time installing PHP, Apache, etc.. separately, I just used LAMPP (XAMPP), which isn't very secure, or so I've read. I also got another HDD mounted as /opt so all the files are mounted on their. Oh, thats right..the spec of the server:
Intel Pentium III @ 450mhz
512Mb RAM
10GB HDD as /
40GB HDD as /opt