
Back to Hell (week 2)

Well its the 2nd week of school...and it still sucks. Same as usual I guess, its school. All I can say is that school sucks. So does homework.

On the geek side, coding has been at a stand still. Computing hasn't though. I downloaded about 20 distro's yesterday, mostly firewall ones. Since I have 2 [wait, more like 3] unused computers (I use 5 regularly), I felt like transforming one into a firewall/router.

Anywho, I feel like chatting on IRC, so off I go.


For once, I have nothing to post about. I haven't gotten anywhere in coding (atleast, not yet).
Work still sucks, I got my paid today, althought it's not in my bank account 'till tomorrow.

I was [quite] bored and found this quote (it seems to describe every Friday and Saturday night for me):
"Programmers are tools for converting caffeine into code."

I'll come back and post either tomorrow or Friday, or sometime when I have inspiration.....

Back to hell...

I guess my arm is getting better so that means I'll be heading to work tomorrow. Ah, I love work, waking up at 7 am, biking in the crisp of the morning. Not! Overmorrow is payday, I'm just that much more closer to the Logitech G15 2nd Edition keyboard, the mother of all keyboards. Mostly made for gamers, this beauty will allow me to type in the dark (which I already can do) with backlight keys and it has a wee LCD screen too!

I haven't gotten anything done, although I worked on Web Host a little more, and added some new graphics.