DIY WiFi pop can dish

Anyone use their Nintendo WiFi [USB] connector? Neither did I, until I found out that I can use it on my Windows machine. Never the less, I inserted it into my Eee (running Backtrack 3) and it worked, instantly. Now, I made my own Pepsi can dish and a LEGO tower. EDIT: I finally booted into Fluxbox :D I do, however, somehow get better reception from my router(s). An average of 10% better signal as compared to the internal Atheros card. Put this has puzzled me: The Nintendo connector only uses WEP (to my knowledge) and doesn't pick up all the networks in the area, making it seem like a short distance key. The Atheros card picks up two additional networks in my area as the connector doesn't. (I'm not too good with guides and instructions, so here it goes:) In short, I took two soda cans, cut off the top and bottom and was left with the outside 'shell'. Cut it down the side and make it about 7.5 cm long, and bending it into a C shape. Get the other pop can and do the same, but around 6 cm long. Shape it to this: . = white space Second Piece |---------| =............= |---------| - aprox. 6 cm -> First Piece (without slots) |------------------| |.......................| |......................| |------------------| - aprox. 7.5 cm -> First Piece (with slots) |------------------| |........-.............| |........_............| |------------------| - aprox. 7.5 cm -> With the first C shape in hand, cut two slots, 1-1.7 cm from the bottom and top. Insert the second piece into the first. With the two pieces inserted, cut two more slots (confuzing? I know) into the second piece, allowing the USB key to slip in. I also made a LEGO tower (as I said above), and mounted the USB key in the dish, atop the tower [using a USB extension cable to work]. More info & pictures to come....