
Block sponsored ads on Kijiji with a Chrome Extension

The amount of sponsored ads and injected ads on is staggering. When you search for an item and no results are found, Kijiji will "fake" results and add multiple pages....of nothing. Say you searched for a dining table, you might receive a few real results, while the rest of the pages are ads.

Taking a look at the before and after below: 


Google Chrome dev on Linux

Google officially released Chrome for Mac and Linux.

Grab the x86 .deb package here, and run dpkg -i google-chrome-unstable_current_i386.deb 

Got around to installing Chrome on my Thinkpad running Xubuntu. I can say for sure that it uses less resources compared to Firefox. For the most part, it works. Google stresses that it's not suitable for general use, there are many privacy features that just aren't there yet. I haven't had it crash...yet.