Google officially released Chrome for Mac and Linux.
Grab the x86 .deb package here, and run dpkg -i google-chrome-unstable_current_i386.deb
Got around to installing Chrome on my Thinkpad running Xubuntu. I can say for sure that it uses less resources compared to Firefox. For the most part, it works. Google stresses that it's not suitable for general use, there are many privacy features that just aren't there yet. I haven't had it crash...yet.
In other news, I'm still sketching out the plans for Sysode. One thing that might be a pain, is automation. I dreamt of it being similar to Dropbox, but I make web shit not software. I'm also looking for a graphic designer to make a logo for it, so if you have any offers leave a comment ;)
I'm glad that Google is working on Chrome cross-compatibility, but I can't live without my Firefox add-ons.
I remember 1 of my colleagues told me once "Google chrome is good but not reliable for financial transaction" but m so addicted to firefox that i don't even feel like using IE :)
I'm glad that Google is