SnackLinux update


SnackLinux now has a whopping 31 packages, which include a (somewhat) working gcc toolchain and other fun GNU utilities (vitetris included!). I was able to add Docker support as well, which is just tarballed userland. Getting a working gcc toolchain was a bit of a pain in the butt. Pain in the butt because musl doesn't play nice with every piece of software out there, since most (that I have encountered anyway) think we're using glibc. And since SnackLinux is focused on every packaging being staticly compiled, not every package plays nice with that either. For example, there is a Python 2.7.9 package in the repository that is missing quite a few modules, see below:

_codecs_cn         _codecs_hk         _codecs_iso2022 
 _codecs_jp         _codecs_kr         _codecs_tw      
 _ctypes            _ctypes_test       _curses         
 _curses_panel      _hashlib           _hotshot        
 _json              _lsprof            _multibytecodec 
 _multiprocessing   audioop            bz2                
 dl                 future_builtins 
 imageop            linuxaudiodev      ossaudiodev     
 readline           syslog      

Fortunately, it works. Sort of. I wouldn't recommend using it at all. This is why gcc 4.9.2 needs to be patched for musl to get around this. That being said, most of the current packages are natively compiled on SnackLinux itself, so at least it's somewhat self sufficient ;)


I just got Nim working, as well as Lua. Perl is possible through staticperl. It's suprising the amount of software that depends on Perl, pkg-config and syslinux come to mind. With a working Python implementation being the last holdout, SnackLinux may finally gain some whichever niche it fits in... I suppose.