My Jailbroken iPod Touch 2G!

Sitting on the couch, I came across a Lifehacker article about the 2G being jailbroken. I almost shit my pants, I got up off the couch and did some serious Googling. An hour later, I had mine jailbroken too. Anyways, I'd like to share some links with you guys (who ever is reading this) for those who have a 2G and know nothing about jailbreaking their iPod.

Heres the tool that I used: QuickFreedom

Follow the onscreen instuctions (which are easy as hell) and you're good to go. It should take just under an hour. Where you create your custom firmware, you can choose your own boot image (I tried a custom one, but it wouldn't build the firmware).

Once that is finished, where do you go now? Update Installer and some of the repos.

What about installing 'cracked apps' (which in most cases is illegal) ? Check this link out:

In a nutshell, you update your "MobileInstallation" file, download & install any app from the AppStore and install any app of your choice via iTunes (by supplying the .ipa)

Here are some pics of my homescreen and various other screens:




Here's another way to jailbreak your iPod:

2.2.1 firmware:

Have you jailbroken your iPod yet?

Comments are apreciated.

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