
iOS 4.01

With my iPhone 3G jailbroken with iOS 4.0, lots of other users have been experienced cell phone reception trouble. I tried it myself and covered the left side and saw my signal bars drop by 4. I've read around the internet and its rumoured that 4.01 was supposed to drop today to fix the antenna issues. I'd assume before Friday, there's going to be a fix out there. I, myself, didn't have too much trouble with getting a signal. Where I was reading on Slashdot, it was said that even if the signal is 5% or 100%, you're going to get the same call quality.

I haven't got BiteSMS to work on 4.0 yet, nor five column springboard (fcsb) or Infinidock. A couple Winterboard themes don't work either, such as custom Wifi and signal bar icons. Cycorder doesn't work either. Hopefully, these'll be fixed soon so I can get 4.0 running like I had 3.1.3.

Jailbroken 4.0 on iPhone 3G

So, after a long time of tinkering I finally got it working.

Get 4.0 (stock 8A293) on your iPhone

Run redsn0w 0.9.5b

Be patient!  - This took a bit for me. Once redsn0w says it's done, the screen on your iPhone will display what it's doing (flashing NOR) and a running pineapple(?).  

4.0 seems to run faster on my 3G than 3.1.3.

Tried to make this post quick as I'm off to bed!

Untethered jailbreak for iPhone 3G 3.1.2 with 5.11.07

 Seeing as blackra1n is only a tethered jailbreak, installing your own [custom] firmware is the way to go. But, (at least what happened to me) is that I constantly got 1604 errors while installing firmware of which I made using PwnageTool. As a short howto, here's what I did:

  1. Get blackra1n and run it. It'll put your iPhone in recovery mode. iTunes should be closed.
  2. Download or create custom firmware. If you are using PwnageTool, make sure to check off Activate so it is not activated. Just before it's done creating the firmware, click Yes to if your iPhone has been pwned before.
  3. Start up iTunes, and restore using the firmware you just made. For Windows users hold shift and click on Restore. For Mac users hold option. Make sure your iPhone is in recovery mode not DFU mode. That's the part that I forgot.
  4. iTunes should do it's thing and you'll be good to go.
  5. After I put the firmware on, I had no service whatsoever so I ran blackra1n again and I had service. If you have the 5.11.07 baseband, be sure to install sn0w in blackra1n. You might need to fiddle around with things.


iPod Touch 2G jailbroken with 3.1.2 firmware

Photo by ToniVC

Finally got around to installing the 3.1.2 firmware on my iPod.

  1. Get the 3.1.2 (or 3.0) firmware. 
  2. Grab PwnageTool from TPB (you'll need a Mac for this :) )

Everything else is downhill from there. Open up PwnageTool, pick your model, find your firmware and that's about it (unless you want to change boot logo, etc.)

Then restore your iPod with the new [custom] firmware with iTunes. In iTunes, go to your iPod on the left hand side, hold shift and press restore. Find your firmware and that's it.


Digg buttons

I added a Digg button module to the site, so incase you find something interesting you can Digg it! I'll also remove the Donate button from the site, makes me look desperate. I'll have to renew this domain or else it expires in 43 days.

I was sorta (meaning, not commited) to working on WorkSimple. Version 1.2.3 should be released soon, a minor release.


Yargh, me be loving me jailbroken iPod Touch! The Cydia store is pretty cool, it's going to be PayPal supported (or so I read) soon.

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My Jailbroken iPod Touch 2G!

Sitting on the couch, I came across a Lifehacker article about the 2G being jailbroken. I almost shit my pants, I got up off the couch and did some serious Googling. An hour later, I had mine jailbroken too. Anyways, I'd like to share some links with you guys (who ever is reading this) for those who have a 2G and know nothing about jailbreaking their iPod.

Heres the tool that I used: QuickFreedom

Follow the onscreen instuctions (which are easy as hell) and you're good to go. It should take just under an hour. Where you create your custom firmware, you can choose your own boot image (I tried a custom one, but it wouldn't build the firmware).

Once that is finished, where do you go now? Update Installer and some of the repos.

What about installing 'cracked apps' (which in most cases is illegal) ? Check this link out: http://tinyurl.com/cdql9y

In a nutshell, you update your "MobileInstallation" file, download & install any app from the AppStore and install any app of your choice via iTunes (by supplying the .ipa)

Here are some pics of my homescreen and various other screens: