
Cold coffee

For my love of coffee, I tried cold brewing the other day. More convenient, in my opinion.

7 (or so) table spoons of your favourite coffee in a mason jar and fill it up near the top of water. Let it sit over night, or at least 12 hours. Strain that lovely juice into another jar. You now have cold-brewed coffee. Pour into a cup, add milk, sugar and enjoy :) 

For iced cappuccinos (blended ice coffee), freeze an ice cube tray of the coffee you just made (with out milk/etc). I stuck 6-7 ice cubes in a blender, with about two cups of milk (call it 450mL), some chocolate sauce and vanilla Coffee-mate (honey would do, too). What you end up with, is a delicious, higher in caffeine drink.

So, what's new?

Back in school, so that's just great. Thought I'd write a post, since I haven't for a couple weeks now. Was planning on working on WorkSimple the other day, but didn't. Set up a CS:S server, running pretty good too @ 1.8ghz with 512MB (Debian with XFS of course). 


I found myself having a TI-83+, but no sync cable. So, I tried to use the same type of cable that was used for a PDA but no luck. There's some pretty cool stuff you can do with the TI's. Just and update, I'll write another post in the coming days with some stuff that I've been doing.

Последний Раз

Photo by psilver

I'll skip the whole 'I haven't posted for two weeks' intro. 

It's only October and it already snowed, a couple of inches and it's still here. Mornings are sure colder.

I finally put together my new fileserver, and up  from my one harddrive server before. I was going to do a RAID1 configuration, but instead went back to a normal partitioning setup (XFS on the secondary HDD for the files). Recieved another computer the other day, so I'm at a total of 7 servers.

Stay awake 48+ hours

Being the geek I am, I usually stay up a minimum of 24 hours when I'm really interested or concentrated on a subject. Below, I'll point out what I do, for those that want to accomplish the feat.

  • Sugar

 Increase your sugar intake, not by sugary drinks though. Small candies (gummy worms, etc. )worked the best for me. Last thing you want to do is crash.

  • Sleep

Get a good nights sleep the night before.

  • Caffeine

If you must have caffeine, go for '5/6 hour energy' shots, or '6 hour energy' pills (which happen to be cheaper than the shots). Try to avoid sugary energy drinks (Monster especially). My energy drink of choice is the almighty Citrus BooKoo.


Photo by pswiik

School's been pissing me off, most predominately ICT (IT) class. Guess what we did the other day? Used Norton Ghost and re-imaged a install of XP -again. Today, we learned about the BIOS (of which the instructor pronounced 'by-oss'). Ooh, how fun! One of the kids (who was supposed to be a 'smarter one') pronounced ethernet as 'ether-net', instead of the long 'e' sound. Frustration followed.

I got a hold of a screaming fast 486 the other day, running at 166MHz with a whopping 64MB's of RAM! W00t! It also had a tape drive, whive I've never seen. Anyway, I ended up putting DeLi (console version) on the POS and well, it runs smooth. The other distros I tried (Slackware and Debian) didn't detect the PCI and ISA NIC, but apparently DeLi did. I updated the repo's and the system using: pacman -Syu

Once that was finished, I installed lynx of course with: pacman -S lynx


Qui est l'exemple

School's started, which is just great. I won't go into great detail, as it'll bore the shit out of my readers (that is, if I have any).

I'm in an 'IT' course, if you can call it that. So far, it's ridiculously easy.

"Ooh, get it to boot from CD/DVD, start up Norton Ghost, and install XP using the image provided".

Yes, and people needed help doing that. People who were already in the same class last year, needed help.

What made me LOL, is when the teacher asked how many computers [and what they run] everyone had. Course, he didn't get to me. Anyway, seems like everyone uses Vista (kewl dewd) or some 1337 h4xx0r use Windows 7!



I've taken up the challenge of learning Russian with RosettaStone. Russian isn't one of those languages that you can learn in a month (IMO). RosettaStone is actually pretty cool software, though, what makes me mad is it doesn't give you the direct meaning. Sure, it'll show you a picture of a man and you match it up, but some of the pictures it's up to the users judgement.


Я ухожу (Ставлю точку)

Photo by Sam Takes Photos'

It's official, I'm selling Torrentino. I've had no time to maintain it at all, it's a great site though. Hand coded from scratch, which I'm quite proud of. Anyway, selling it for $30, but I'll take anything else (use the Contact page if you have an offer).


Scary that I post less and less these days. I have been doing nothing the last couple weeks. I 'have' seasons one through 6 of The Sopranos which I've been watching non-stop. Bruno (movie) was quite disapointing, not as funny as I thought.

I'm for sale.

 I'm starting to freelance now, so I'm up for any work and make an attempt to build my portfolio. I'm available to do any work, small to medium sized projects. Stuff I can do:

  • Code PHP
  • Remote adminstration of Linux boxen
  • Some MySQL stuff (though I hate it)
  • Installl scripts (Wordpress, Drupal, WHMCS, etc..)
  • Help with hosters (I know my way around WHM, cPanel, WHM and so forth)
  • And probably a lot more useless stuff.


Portfolio here. My prices are cheap (say, min $3 CAD) so I'm available to hire. If you have any offers, deals etc, post a comment or use the contact page.