
Born again Torrentino

Photo by * Cati Kaoe *

After virtually no offers on Torrentino,Torrentino is back up and running. (Might be slow at the moment). Now, to fit in a niche, it's a electronic music tracker + search engine. Enough to satisfy my needs ;) I'm a psytrance addict and sometimes it's hard to find the albums I want. Anyway, it has new categories (numerical system now, used to be by keyword) and most of the code has been looked over and over...and over.

Edit: I no longer own


I read this way back when, and thought it was a pretty cool project. Now, I've sorta invented my own take on it. Here's how it works:

Я ухожу (Ставлю точку)

Photo by Sam Takes Photos'

It's official, I'm selling Torrentino. I've had no time to maintain it at all, it's a great site though. Hand coded from scratch, which I'm quite proud of. Anyway, selling it for $30, but I'll take anything else (use the Contact page if you have an offer).


Scary that I post less and less these days. I have been doing nothing the last couple weeks. I 'have' seasons one through 6 of The Sopranos which I've been watching non-stop. Bruno (movie) was quite disapointing, not as funny as I thought.


As some have you noticed, my site ( has been suspended the last couple days. How? It all started when Torrentino was undergoing maintainence. I needed to move Torrentino to a server, so I could work on Torrentino a little more which I ended up parking and here (on my account).


You see, Torrentino's website and tracker uses the same IP, and obiously, same domain name. So, when I moved the website to a different server, Torrentino's tracker didn't work since well, it doesn't exist on this server. But why did the site get suspended, you ask? Seems like BayTSP (yes), emailed the ISP who (I'm guessing) leases lines to the datacenter where, ta da, my website and Torrentino is hosted (temporarily). You can read the letter here:

Les devoirs

Been an uneventful week, boring actually. Set up a tracker for Torrentino, getting a new server this weekend sometime which will be the primary web server, making leprechaun (the old web server) the tracker.


Received my Ubuntu shit a little while ago, a stress ball and two lanyards. Surprised I didn't have to pay a fee.


Anyway, I'd like to work on Torrentino a bit more tonight; wrap some things up. Finally Friday so I get to sleeeeeeep in tomorrow....


It's finally Friday, been waiting all week. I now have four spare processors, dual Xeon socket 604 processors. It'd be great if I could use them.... Also have some RAM too, 4GB's in total!

Torrentino has been running fine so far, server load has been low. PunBB uses a small amount of CPU usage, Torrentino itself (the system) uses next to nothing. One server for the front end + PHP, another for static content (CSS, images, etc.). I could have another server just for PHP processing, if needed. Well, atleast I'll have the hardware to expand ;)

Moving Torrentino

Finally found a place for Torrentino. Now, it uses two servers; one for dynamic content the other for static content. I modified the backend a bit, so it might be slightly faster.

The design still need some work. So if anyone has any ideas, or would like to create a usable design for Torrentino; go ahead! If so, your name will be mentioned on the about page.


Anyway, I'm off to go tweak some stuff....



Torrentino has been sitting there for a while now. I'm in desperate need of a offshore host (preferable the Netherlands!). If you have any offers, please leave a comment.


I don't know whats wrong with people and the grudge they have against torrents. The torrent files do not contain anything incriminating. Sure, some of them may point to 'illegal' or copywritten material but the files don't contain shit all.




Anyway, I'm just setting up some local servers, getting things organized.

Thinking of buying either a UPS or a new switch. Ideas?

Same shit, different day

I've been looking for a reliable 'offshore' [web] hoster to host Torrentino. If you have any offers, I'd be pleased to hear 'em.

Work has come to a halt, I guess I've just been tired. Ticketto is still..very beta. Maybe I'll FTP a working version somewhere a bit later. WorkSimple 1.3.0 hasn't been completed. Or maybe it as...I can't remember.

Satelite has been out for a bit, too lazy to fix it so I've just been watching House (the show, not the noun...or whatever). 


Considering there has been little to none for comments, I guess there will be no free domain contest.

Anyway, as usual comments are appreciated (I don't get enough!)