WorkSimple 1.0.1 release

I've been working on WorkSimple for the last couple hours, I got the admin control panel mostly figured out. I've even added tabs for writing a post and changing themes (which is possible now without edit a file :D ! ). I still have quite far to go still. Anywho, I need some of my 'energy coffee' then I'll get back to work/having fun.

Working Simple

I've changed my data structure 3 times now. Now, I finally have a working solution. Anyway, I guess it's in working order, I have made a installer so it can be integrate into any site easily and quickly. It's also style-able via CSS (I'll include some themes when I relase WorkSimple). It also has a login area so you can write posts without FTPing them. EDIT: Now, you can browse the templates! Try here and here. With the next release of WorkSimple (obviously after this one), I'll include a RSS feature and maybe throw some JS in for fun. Anyhow, it's game time for me.

To-Do list

Heres my list of things to do: EngX -Add crawling functionality -Fix search box Web Host -Fix security flaw -Add frendlier CP UI Jab( A.K.A Gup Beta (work in progress) -Fix login security -Order posts correspondingly -Add a comments feature for posts Memo(Facebook application)Secondary link: -Fix uploading -Add UI elements P.S. If you have any feedback about these scripts/projects, feel free to comment :D I just drank half a bottle of Hardcore Energize Bullet ( Apparently, it has more ounce for ounce compounds comparing to other energy drinks. Speaking of that, I should take some pics of my energy drink can collection(60+ cans/bottles). I really do have quite a big collection, from Monster MIXXD to Bawls Guarana(which I love). Then again, I still have a bottle of 6 Hour Energy left. I think this is going to be a productive night....