Fix Choppy/Skipping audio in Mac OS Maverick

Sometimes during a Facetime call or watching your favorite dumb crime show on some sketchy Russian streaming site, your audio sounds like it's farting through a tin can. Sometimes choppy and not very clear, whatever audio that's playing doesn't sound right.

One way to fix it is by killing Core Audio, which is responsible for processing audio.


sudo killall coreaudiod



Getting Old Games to Work: Age of Mythology under Virtualbox (mac OS 11.15)

Here's a short little write up on getting Age of Mythology (great break down by staff here )running under Virtualbox. I'm running mac OS 10.15.4 but this should work under all platforms using VirtualBox.

Afteri some trial and error, I  found that VirtualBox 6.1 wasn't working with 3D acceleration under XP (apparently it's been removed) so I had to downgrade to 5.2. 


Linux 4.15.2 on SnackLinux

Quick update to SnackLinux, rolled out Linux 4.15.2 with Busybox 1.28.0. Also switched over to x86_64 only (for now at least) since it simplifies a lot of things. I removed the need to staticly link everything and get rid of that niche, since a few other smaller distros cover that (Alpine Linux for example). Again, this simplifies building packages and running into less issues. Check it out on Github for build instructions, or the getting started page on getting SnackLinux running.

Create an ad blocking VPN for mobile use

Ads on your mobile device can use a fair chunk of your monthly data, so I set out to create a way to disable them while browsing. If you happen to have a rooted Android phone, AdAway is the easiest solution that I have found. Another solution is creating your own DNS server, to have all traffic to unwanted domains be unresolved. While that's great, one can only set the DNS servers manually for wifi, not for mobile data (3G/LTE). The fix this issue, what I did was create an OpenVPN server with Bind9 zones to block unwanted domains.


To bootstrap installing VPN, I used this script to quickly set up an OpenVPN server. Its all very straight forward and will prompt for a few options.

If all went well, it will generate a client profile for you to use (.ovpn). Next, I installed bind9 and followed this tutorial. Once that is all set up, you'll have an ad blocking DNS server! Only thing left to do is force clients to use the DNS.

Remote code execution with Hitron CGNM-2250

Edit: This has been fixed in the latest firmare update

The routers that you receive from your ISP are almost always garbage: not many options to configure and pitiful wifi range. The router/modem that Shaw customers receive is the Hitron CGNM-2250 thankfully isn't completely terrible, 802.11ac plus gigabit ports. I was poking about and researching the model and came upon an exploit for a similar model version for remote code execution. The CGNM-2250 is vulnerable as well, for reference my software version is with hardware version 1A. The input for the ping utility through the web interface isn't sanitized so you can enter arbitrary input. I discovered that it has a few basic utilities, including Dropbear.

SnackLinux update

SnackLinux now has a whopping 31 packages, which include a (somewhat) working gcc toolchain and other fun GNU utilities (vitetris included!). I was able to add Docker support as well, which is just tarballed userland. Getting a working gcc toolchain was a bit of a pain in the butt. Pain in the butt because musl doesn't play nice with every piece of software out there, since most (that I have encountered anyway) think we're using glibc. And since SnackLinux is focused on every packaging being staticly compiled, not every package plays nice with that either. For example, there is a Python 2.7.9 package in the repository that is missing quite a few modules, see below: